Today I want to share a story with you about Melaleuca or Tea Tree Oil. It's a somewhat icky story, and I am somewhat reluctant to tell it, but I also feel that being honest, and sharing, might help someone else. So here goes. Unfortunately I contracted a rash after visiting our community Jacuzzi. It's called Hot Tub Folliiculitis and it's a bacteria found in or around the area. Yeah sounds lovely right? It wasn't. I woke up the next day with these red bumps on my temples and neck around my hair line and thought I was going through puberty again. After a few days I realized it was not acne and started looking into what it might be. In the meantime I developed these red puss filled dots. I didn't even want to go out of the house. It's a good thing most of my work is done over the phone! A wonderful doctor friend of mine figured out what it was (thanks Dr. Lee) and then I was able to treat it appropriately. Since this rash is a bacteria I started using melaleuca which is an anti-bacterial essential oil. I could see the improvement right away. I used it twice a day after washing my face, and the dots starting drying out, the puss disappeared. Every time I use an essential oil it reaffirms my belief in the products. There is an essential oil for almost everything that ails you.
Essential Oils
In my studies about general health I ran across essential oils quite frequently and I become very interested in how essential oils can help us with our health, in a holistic way. I had no idea that essential oils had so many uses, and that you can eliminate a lot of over the counter products you buy at the drug store once you understand how to use them. I am somewhat new to this study but I am so excited about these products that I recently decided to become a doTERRA Representative. Representing this product is a natural extension to my health coaching business. doTERRA is considered the top of the line product in essential oils. They are the best you can buy. I want to share with you the information that I am learning about these oils and, therefore, will feature a different oil in each newsletters with information about how to use the oils. I think you will amazed at the uses as well and I hope you will give them a try. As always, my sole purpose is to help you live a more healthy and natural life.
This time I am going to talk about Oregano Oil. I become interested in this oil because my husband suffers with nail fungus, (sorry honey!), and this oil can help keep it at bay. Oregano oil has anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties which is why it works. He uses it around the affected area, however it must always be diluted before using directly on the skin. It can also be used as a digestive aid, using it internally as part of a monthly cleansing regimen for GI health. This oil is a potent germ killer and also helps with yeast infections, migraines, sinus headaches, and insect bites. If you google the benefits of oregano oil you will be surprised at what you find. If you would like more information about this feel free to contact me.