Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Coconut Palm Sugar

Sugar that contains vitamins and minerals?  And is low glycemic?  Seriously?  Who'd a thunk!  It's true. 

If we can get away from the processed stuff sold to us in big grocery stores by giant corporations and look at more natural products we can find food items that are a much better choice for our overall health.  It sometimes takes time to find these products so when I do find them I like to share them with everyone.  And this is one of those items. 

Now that does not give us licence to eat as much of this stuff as we want, but its nice to know that occasionally we can have a little sweet and its not going to cause the health issues that regular white granulated cane sugar or high fructose corn syrup does.   I use this product in my coffee every morning. One teaspoon each day and its only 4 grams of sugar.   That is low.  If that's all the sugar I consume in a day, I am doing well.   I know you can bake with this product as well but I have not tried it as yet. It might be a little pricey to bake with as this 1 pound bag cost me almost $5.00.

This brand of coconut sugar is produced in Indonesia where farmers have harvested the nectar from coconut palm trees for herbal medicine and food for centuries.   It is 100% pure evaporated coconut sugar that certified organic, kosher, and vegan.

This is a healthy alternative sweetener that has a lower glycemic index than cane sugar, agave, or honey.  It is high in minerals including potassium, magnesium and zinc, as well as vitamins B2, B3, and B6.  You have to admit that is a big improvement over other sweeteners.  Look for it at your local health food store. 

I was recently at Costco and found a another coconut palm sugar product that is half the price.  Now I might try baking with it.  It pays to look around. 

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