Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Cover art

Buycott - the app

I recently found this app and wanted to share it with you.  I love having these types of app's on my phone so that when I am out shopping I can scan a product and get the information I need right then and there.  Then I can either buy the product or reject it on the spot. 

Buycott helps you organize your everyday consumer spending to support causes you care about. 

How it works
Join a campaign to help a cause you care about and commit to actively supporting the companies on your side of the issues, while avoiding those that oppose your position. Scan bar codes and Buycott will find out what company owns that product and who owns that company.  Using this information, Buycott will determine whether you have joined a campaign that includes the product owners. 

Look up the ownership structure of any product and trace it all the way back to its parent company with the interactive family tree diagram.  Offers a variety of contact data for companies and brands, so you can easily inform them of your decision to support or avoid their products.  Bar code scanner scans all major retail bar codes.

Want to buycott Mansanto?  You can add that to your campaign list. Want GMO labeling? Add that to your campaign and find out which companies spent money to stop the initiative for labeling. The campaign list goes on with topics such as woman's rights, animal welfare, education, social responsibility, etc.

I hope you give it a try and make your voice heard with your consumer dollars.   

Monday, August 19, 2013

Once a week vitamin D


Product News! 
Bio Tech 
Once a week vitamin D 

I recently found this vitamin D product and wanted to share it with you. 

If you do the research on vitamin D you will discover that most people are deficient in it.  What's important to know is that it has a whole host of heath benefits so if you are deficient you can experience some serious health issues. 

Vitamin D is important for normal immune function.  High levels of vitamin D have been found to protect people because it has a significant impact on our genes that are involved in biologic pathways associated with illnesses, including cancer, autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease, and infectious disease just to name a few. 

I was told by my doctor that I was deficient after she did some blood work. That being the case I started taking a few thousand mg daily, having to take at least 2 or three tablets each day.  After a few months of that I discovered this high potency product from Bio Tech that you take once per week.  Since I hate taking pills I was all over this.   Now I take one pill on Sunday and I am done for the week.  

I ordered this from Lucky Vitamins and I paid approximately $24.00 for 100 capsules.  

The manufacturing process and raw materials of vitamins are extremely important in the body's ability to absorb the nutrients so please do your research on Bio Tech.  I have found them to be a high quality company with quality products which is why I chose to use them. 

As always please check with your health care provider before taking any supplements.