Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Cover art

Buycott - the app

I recently found this app and wanted to share it with you.  I love having these types of app's on my phone so that when I am out shopping I can scan a product and get the information I need right then and there.  Then I can either buy the product or reject it on the spot. 

Buycott helps you organize your everyday consumer spending to support causes you care about. 

How it works
Join a campaign to help a cause you care about and commit to actively supporting the companies on your side of the issues, while avoiding those that oppose your position. Scan bar codes and Buycott will find out what company owns that product and who owns that company.  Using this information, Buycott will determine whether you have joined a campaign that includes the product owners. 

Look up the ownership structure of any product and trace it all the way back to its parent company with the interactive family tree diagram.  Offers a variety of contact data for companies and brands, so you can easily inform them of your decision to support or avoid their products.  Bar code scanner scans all major retail bar codes.

Want to buycott Mansanto?  You can add that to your campaign list. Want GMO labeling? Add that to your campaign and find out which companies spent money to stop the initiative for labeling. The campaign list goes on with topics such as woman's rights, animal welfare, education, social responsibility, etc.

I hope you give it a try and make your voice heard with your consumer dollars.   

Monday, August 19, 2013

Once a week vitamin D


Product News! 
Bio Tech 
Once a week vitamin D 

I recently found this vitamin D product and wanted to share it with you. 

If you do the research on vitamin D you will discover that most people are deficient in it.  What's important to know is that it has a whole host of heath benefits so if you are deficient you can experience some serious health issues. 

Vitamin D is important for normal immune function.  High levels of vitamin D have been found to protect people because it has a significant impact on our genes that are involved in biologic pathways associated with illnesses, including cancer, autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease, and infectious disease just to name a few. 

I was told by my doctor that I was deficient after she did some blood work. That being the case I started taking a few thousand mg daily, having to take at least 2 or three tablets each day.  After a few months of that I discovered this high potency product from Bio Tech that you take once per week.  Since I hate taking pills I was all over this.   Now I take one pill on Sunday and I am done for the week.  

I ordered this from Lucky Vitamins and I paid approximately $24.00 for 100 capsules.  

The manufacturing process and raw materials of vitamins are extremely important in the body's ability to absorb the nutrients so please do your research on Bio Tech.  I have found them to be a high quality company with quality products which is why I chose to use them. 

As always please check with your health care provider before taking any supplements. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Why is everyone talking about gluten?

Like me, I'm sure you are seeing gluten free items everywhere these days. You can't watch a food commerical on TV without seeing gluten free items. And if you really look around at the grocery store you will amazed to see how many items are using gluten free as part of their packaging. When did all this begin? And Why?  What's the story? You probably have a friend who has gluten sensitivity and can't eat certain things anymore.  I recently had to give up pizza because of my gluten problem.

I'm going to give you the short condensed version of today's gluten otherwise your eyes will glaze over if I go into this in great detail. Suffice it to say, we are not eating the same wheat our grandparents ate. It's a whole new strain that is being grown now by big agri company's, and they do it for various reasons. 

Gluten is a sticky protein found in grains, mostly in wheat, barley and rye. This stickiness is why it is used in processed foods as a binder and filler. This is often referred to as hidden gluten. It's in lots of food items and it's never identified on the ingredient list so you won't know if it's in there. This is a huge and dangerous problem for people with celiac disease. 

Like I said, the wheat we are eating today is not the same wheat our grandparents ate.  The grains have been hybridized to achieve drought resistant, bug resistant, and faster growing strains that we have today. These new strains, or new proteins, are causing system inflammation and intolerance of gluten in our digestive tract. 

If you have celiac or gluten sensitivity  it effects the walls of your intestine and deceases your ability to absorb nutrients and allowing the walls of your intestines to become leaky.  This can manifest itself in digestive  symptoms including bloating, constipation, diarrhea, weight loss, fat malabsorption, and malnutrition like iron deficiency or anemia, low vitamin D and even osteoporosis   This condition is considered an auto immune disease. Basically the gluten is causing your body to attack itself. You can become very ill if this continues for a long time. 

Additionally, many people who do not suffer from gluten sensitivity have decided not to eat gluten because they know that it causes inflammation in the body. Since inflammation is a root cause of disease, the thinking is that if you want to do all you can to be healthy, remove gluten from your diet. 

How do you know if you have gluten sensitivity?  One way to find out is to simply remove all gluten from your diet for several week and then reintroduce it.  If you feel better when you stop eating gluten that is a hint. If you reintroduce it and you feel bad that is also a hint. At that point you might want to ask your doctor to test you for gluten sensitivity.

If you don't have celiac and want o be able to eat gluten occasionally you might look for ancient grains.  There are some resources on line that specialize in ancient grains. Be sure to check them out and make sure they are in there original state and have never been hybridized. If you can find products like this you might be able to tolerate it well.  One product I like to buy is Jovial. This company grows wheat in Italy and it's available at Whole Foods and Mother's Market. You can also order it on line at Jovialfoods.com. This pasta can be eaten by some people who are sensitive to gluten without a problem. They also sell some gluten free products that I really like.

So that's the story.  If you have a gluten sensitivity you should consider not eating it to stop the damage it is doing to your gut. If you are not sensitive to it consider eating only high quality grains to maintain your overall health. Your gut and your immune system will thank you. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Acid Reflux and Stomach Acid

It is estimated that acid reflux affects more than 25 million Americans every day.  Most people think the issue with indigestion is too much acid. This is not surprising considering that all we see are ads by pharmaceutical companies who want to sell us medications that block production of acid by the stomach.  And if you go to your doctor complaining of this he will most certainly give you those same medications to help relieve your symptoms. Antacids such as Tums, sodium bicarbonate, and milk of magnesia and acid suppressing drugs, PPI's, such as Prilosec, Zantac and Pedcid all offer some temporary relief but do nothing to relieve the issue once and for all. 

The problem?  The root cause of the issue is exactly opposite of what the traditional treatment is.  If you suffer from acid reflux it indicates that you do not have enough stomach acid.  So by taking an acid suppressing medication you are doing nothing to resolve the problem.  

Most people who discover this are shocked and initially don't believe it.  This proves that we have all been lead down the wrong path, we've been lied to. I'm always surprised how these stories get started and how they become "the law".  There are many of these misconceptions out there that need to be dispelled.

An acidic gut environment helps the body break down food, absorb nutrients and fend against dangerous organisms. When you don't have enough acid you can experience malabsorption, which means you're not absorbing the nutrients from your food.  This can lead to numerous health problems.  Fatigue is a common symptom of this.  Stomach acid is an important part of the immune system. 

Acid suppression medications shut off acid production. When stomach PH is increased there is less irritation in the esophagus and stomach, which  relieves the burning symptoms associated with acid reflux.  Because we get relief we mistakenly think that the problem was too much stomach acid. 

The trick to getting your acid reflux under control is to take nutrients that promote increased production of the protective lining that coats your stomach.  A good place to start would be with digestive enzymes that aid in the proper breakdown of food.  Taking a digestive enzyme with meals will help your body break down the food more completely and reduce gastrointestinal irritation.

Continuous suppression of acid production for months or years isn't a good idea. In the stomach, hydrochloric acid plays a number of critical roles, including the destruction of Salmonella bacteria and other microorganisms responsible for food borne illnesses. 

Using PPI's over the long term can also cause other problems. In post menopausal woman it can increase the risk of fractors.   This is because you are not absorbing the calcium and vitamin B12 from the food you eat.

Coffee, soda, and alcohol can all contribute to acid reflux. Avoiding these foods while using natural aids will help to speed the recovery process. 

In you experience acid reflux you might be eating a diet that contain mostly alkaline foods, in which case you would need to add more acidic foods to your diet. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Coconut Palm Sugar

Sugar that contains vitamins and minerals?  And is low glycemic?  Seriously?  Who'd a thunk!  It's true. 

If we can get away from the processed stuff sold to us in big grocery stores by giant corporations and look at more natural products we can find food items that are a much better choice for our overall health.  It sometimes takes time to find these products so when I do find them I like to share them with everyone.  And this is one of those items. 

Now that does not give us licence to eat as much of this stuff as we want, but its nice to know that occasionally we can have a little sweet and its not going to cause the health issues that regular white granulated cane sugar or high fructose corn syrup does.   I use this product in my coffee every morning. One teaspoon each day and its only 4 grams of sugar.   That is low.  If that's all the sugar I consume in a day, I am doing well.   I know you can bake with this product as well but I have not tried it as yet. It might be a little pricey to bake with as this 1 pound bag cost me almost $5.00.

This brand of coconut sugar is produced in Indonesia where farmers have harvested the nectar from coconut palm trees for herbal medicine and food for centuries.   It is 100% pure evaporated coconut sugar that certified organic, kosher, and vegan.

This is a healthy alternative sweetener that has a lower glycemic index than cane sugar, agave, or honey.  It is high in minerals including potassium, magnesium and zinc, as well as vitamins B2, B3, and B6.  You have to admit that is a big improvement over other sweeteners.  Look for it at your local health food store. 

I was recently at Costco and found a another coconut palm sugar product that is half the price.  Now I might try baking with it.  It pays to look around. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Truth about Orange Juice

Lets talk about orange juice.  I hear it all the time. Orange Juice is good for us right?  Well, you would think so considering it is made from oranges, but it's one of those foods that been tampered with to the point that it is no longer just the juice of an orange.  This is what we do in this county, we mess around with our food until it's no longer good for us.  The sad part is that most people are not aware of the problem, which is evidenced by all the disease in our country. The more we tamper with our food the sicker we become.  

Here's my first issue with orange juice. 

  • When its processed it is held in giant stainless steel vats, and since it spoils quickly they remove all the oxygen from the vats which then allows the juice to hold for up to a year.  Unfortunately, when they remove the oxygen it removes the flavor as well.   So how does the orange juice industry solve that problem?  They develop  "flavor packets" to put taste back into the juice.  They actually hire flavor specialists to create a taste they can add back into the juice.  It's also one of the ways they ensure the product tastes the same every single time you buy it.
  • They can put whatever they want in these flavor packets because they are not required to put this information on the label.  Be aware that when you buy this product you really don't know what all is in it.
  • When you buy a product that says 100% fresh juice you need to know that really is not the truth.  The next time you buy a carton at the market remember that it's been sitting in a tank for a year. A YEAR!!!! I don't know about you, but that is not fresh in my book. 

Here is my second issue with orange juice.

  • Orange Juice is loaded with fructose and fructose has been linked to a whole host of health issues. A typical 8 ounce glass contains 25 grams of fructose.  I don't eat 25 grams of sugar in a whole day so to have this in  one glass of juice is asking for trouble.  
  • Fructose has been written about quite a lot lately because of the health risks associated with it.  You might want to do some research on it, but I tell all my clients to remove fructose from theirs diets. Because it is digested in your liver it immediately turns into triglycerides which means fructose is basically poison for your liver. 

If you still want to drink orange juice buy fresh squeezed juice from the health food store that has no added sugar, that way you will know it's juiced within the last few hours.  Of course you can always juice your own at home, that would be the best choice. But these days most people don't have that kind of time. I recommend to my clients that they eliminate orange juice from their diets.  It's not a good thing to put into the body for optimum health. Your best bet?  Eat an orange instead.  

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Homemade Laundry Detergent

Our house is chemical free. I want it to be a toxin free zone and, therefore, I am always on the lookout for homemade cleaning products and all natural items I can make myself.  Many of these items also have the added benefit of saving money. I feel better about using them in my house, and I save a few bucks by not buying the junk in the stores.

I recently made this laundry detergent. I made the trial size so I could use it and check it out before I committed to the larger size.  I got the recipe from One Good Thing by Jillie.  She always posts really great DIY projects on her blog. Thanks Jillie! 

It was not easy to find the washing soda. I went to every local store and no one carried it.  I found it at my local Ace Hardware.

So here are the recipes for both sizes:

Trail Size  
2 cups Arm and Hammer Washing Soda 
3 cups Borax
1 bar Felsnaptha Soap 
4 1/2 cups Oxygenated Bleach 
3/4 cup Baking Soda

Large Size 
1 Box Arm and Hammer Washing Soda 
1 box Borax
3 bars Felsnaptha Soap 
2 tubs Oxygenated Bleach
2 cups Baking Soda 

Get out your food processor.  Chop the bars of felsnaptha into small chunks, put in the food processor and blend into a powder.  

You might want to do this next part outdoors as it will release some of that powdery dust when it's all mixed together.  I did it on my balcony. 

Get a large bucket or bowl, pour the felsnaptha in, then measure each item and add to the bowl.  Mix well with a big spoon or scoop.  Pour the product into the container of your choice,  I used large size canning jars.  I labeled them and lined them up on my shelf above my washer.  

Use 2 tablespoons per load. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Guna Sleep - how to get a good nights sleep


Getting a good nights sleep in one of the most important things you can do for your overall health. Unfortunately lots of us have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.  I've personally had several phases in my life where I did not sleep well and it made such an impact on my ability to function.  It's a very unpleasant experience and it raises your risk level for several diseases. 

People who experience insomnia get so desperate they ask their doctors for sleeping pills and then find that they are addicted to them.  Once you are dependent on them it is very difficult to get off and therefore, I always recommend trying a natural sleep support product first.  I found a product called Guna Sleep that I think is a good safe product and many folks have had success with it.  I've tried it myself and it worked for me.  I like to combine it with essential oils.  (I use Balance blend from doTerra) Between the two I get into a relaxed state, my mind is at ease which is what allows me to sleep.  I also practice all the recommendations listed below.

About Guna Sleep.  The ingredients are an all natural herbal blend and address many issues: 

Avena sativa   6c   nervousness 
Chamomilla   6c  restlessness 
Helleborus niger   6c   mental stress 
Ignatia amara    6c    restlessness
Interleukin 1 beta   4 c  immune support 
Melatonin   4 c  hormonal regulation 
Melissa officinalis   6c    anxiety 
Pineal gland    6x  12x  30x    hormonal regulation 
Pulsatilla  6c      mood suport 
Serotonin   6c     hormonal support 
Valeriana officinalis   6c   restlessness 

For people with insomnia the usual underlying issue is anxiety and most people don't realize that that is what they are experiencing.  It seems people don't want to admit to feeling anxiety and it takes some time to get them to realize that if they treat the anxiety the sleeplessness with take care of itself.  As you can see from the list there are agents in Guna Sleep that help with anxiety and relaxation. 

Besides using an all natural sleep aid it is important that you practice several things to help insure a long restful sleep:

  • establish a regular sleep and wake schedule
  • unplug at least one hour before bed, no TV and no computer
  • develop a relaxing evening routine one hour before bed, take a hot bath or read 
  • reserve the bedroom for sleep and sex only 
  • maintain a very dark room, no electronics or LED lights 
  • keep the temperature cool
  • limit afternoon naps 
  • avoid vigorous exercise in the late evening 
  • avoid excessive alcohol, it interrupts the sleep cycle
  • eliminate caffeine in the late afternoon and evening 
  • manage your stress level. This is one of the most important items because your stress level will keep your brain going and prevent you from shutting down. Try meditation to clear your mind.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

True Food - my new favorite cookbook

Andrew Weil, MD is the founder of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine and a partner in True Food Kitchen.  He is the author of several bestselling books including Spontaneous Happiness, The Healthy Kitchen, Healthy Aging, and 8 weeks to Optimum Health. 

I've been following Andrew Weil for years. I subscribe to his newsletters, read all his articles on health, and have such a deep respect for the man because of his integrative school in Arizona. He feels that our doctors come out of medical school not knowing anything about nutrition or how to help their patients achieve wellness through diet so he single-handedly opened the first integrative school to teach this to doctors. He is effecting the way medicine is taught in this country and now others are following in his footsteps.  He is a guru in the wellness community.  

The book is based on eating an anti inflammatory diet.  Why is this important?  Because inflammation is the root of all disease. If you can reduce the inflammation in your body you will reduce your risk of disease. 

Dr.  Weil has always taught diet first, medicine second, but when he decided to open an actual restaurant showing people how to eat I immediately had to see it. Fortunately for me there is a location close to my house in Newport Beach California.  I then purchased the book and started making some of the dishes in my own kitchen.  I am a pretty healthy eater anyway but having a cookbook like this makes eating right all the more enjoyable.  The recipes are not difficult and color photos are so nice to see. It's fun to make a dish and then see if you end product looks like the photo.  Trust me they won't look as good! 

I am not a broccoli fan but the Braised Broccoli with Orange and Parmesan made me a believer.  Now I can eat it without saying yuck. The Kale Salad is one of the best selling items at the restaurant and it is in the book. There is a Citrus Sesame Sauce recipe that I use on everything. He shows it on green beans but you can make a batch and put it literally on anything.

Good eating should be enjoyable but also do something healthy for the body. The recipes in this book do just that. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Diabetes - why does this epidemic continue to grow?

Diabetes.  Where do I begin.  This is an emotional issue for me.   I get very upset at the toll this disease has taken on our population.  I have spent the past few years doing considerable research on this topic and I find some of the activity in our country criminal.  Therefore, in this post I am going to try and explain what is going on and why more and more of our population is needlessly suffering with this disease. 

America's diabetes rate is increasing at such a rate that the Wall Street Journal calls it a growth industry.  Public health officials estimate that by 2050 one third of all Americans will have diabetes.  

Diabetes trade shows and expos display the latest prescription drugs and devices for diagnosing and treating the illness.  TV commercials feature celebrity endorsements,  there are diabetes magazines, newsletters, blogs, on line forums for articles, food blogs, classes.  Despite all this few Americans improve enough to avoid the nerve damage, foot pain, frozen shoulder, vision loss, confusion, digestive disorders, high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol profiles, fatigue, heart disease, chronic infections, and gangrene that are all considered normal complications.  Why?

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has for years touted the low calorie, low fat, low protein, high carbohydrate diet, that emphasized fruit, milk, bread, and very little fat and be sure to measure everything you eat. A typical suggested breakfast was non fat milk, banana, orange juice.  The body recognizes all of these as sugar and therefore glucose levels would rise after eating this meal.  This diet was basically supporting the diabetes, keeping the  glucose levels high, as we now know. And the emphasis on measuring does no good when you're eating the wrong foods to begin with. 

Some wellness practitioners were wise to this and starting putting their clients on low to no carb diets eliminating potatoes, rice, cereals, breads, fruits, low fat items like milk and yogurt and refined sugar. They started to see glucose levels go down and people started losing weight. Many were able to go off their medications. 

Gary Taubes is a journalist who wrote the books Good Calories, Bad Calories and Why we Get Fat and through his extensive research discovered that the low fat, high carbohydrate diet recommended by the ADA, the American Medical Association, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture has never been supported by scientific research. The diets they recommend might be ok for people with normal blood sugars but for those who are overweight or have insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, or diabetes these diets can be disastrous. 

Unfortunately most doctors follow these guidelines mentioned above and as we have seen, the rate of diabetes continues to rise.  Doctors are following the advice of these organizations, and it is clear that doctors are not helping people reverse this disease. As long as we continue to follow these flawed guidelines the disease will continue to escalate. 

Another issue is with our insurance programs.  Insurance won't pay for many diabetes prevention programs and therefore people do not get the help they need. It's mind boggling to me that insurers won't pay the $150 for a diabetic patient to see a podiatrist who could help them prevent foot ailments from the disease, but they would pay for the amputation costing more than $30,000.   Patients have trouble getting reimbursement for $75 to see a nutritionist who can counsel them on their diet but will pay for the $315 per dialysis treatment for patients who have destroyed their kidneys.  We spend far more money on the effects of the disease than we can ever spend on prevention. It's important for people to understand that if they are willing to spend a few hundred dollars out of their own pockets they can get help with this disease. Don't let your insurance company keep you from getting the help you need. 

If you suffer with this disease do not make the mistake of only following your doctors orders when it comes to this disease. It has been proven time and time again that the people who go outside their doctors office and find other forms of assistance are the ones that beat this disease.  Our medical doctors are not trained in nutrition.  They do not have the latest diabetes information  nor do they have the time to coach you and follow up with you.  Many are afraid of lawsuits so they stay with the status quo.  All they can do is give you medication to help manage the disease. (In fact many of these medications make the disease worse and cause other complications, but that's another article.)  You must take it into your own hands to find a program that can teach you what changes you need to make in your diet.  Then you work the program, along with seeing your  doctor and making adjustments to your medications as you improve your numbers.  With changes to your diet, you can lower your glucose numbers rapidly and this will in turn allow you to reduce your medications and finally get off them for good. 

But this takes work and you must be prepared to do the work.  There are a number of very good books out there now that give people the information they need to make life changes. I can recommend a couple for you if you are interested.
Resource: The Well Being Journal March/April 2013 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Agave Nectar - the great debate

Decorative Traditional Maple Syrup Bottle From Canada

When agave nectar came out in the 1990's it seemed like an answer to our prayers. Those of us who are health nuts are always looking for natural sweeteners, and there are not many, so this was exciting news for us.  We were told that because it was fructose it was a good choice for diabetics because it did not spike glucose levels like regular sugar. Since that time I've read countless articles and medical papers about both the benefits and the evils of agave nectar.  Well, the jury is in. 

Agave nectar is not a natural sweetener as it was first touted. Plus, it has more concentrated fructose in it than high fructose corn syrup! When I first laid eyes on the bottle labeled Organic Raw Blue Agave Nectar I assumed a couple of things.  One that is was organic , two that it is raw, and three that is was from the blue agave plant.  None of that is true! 

If you do the research you will find out that it is actually made from the starch of a pineapple root.  The Weston A. Price foundation website contains information I have used here. 

The principle component of the agave root is starch, similar to the starch in corn or rice, and a complete carbohydrate called inulin, which is made up of chains of fructose molecules. Technically a highly indigestible fiber, inulin,  comprises about half of the carbohydrate content of agave.  The process by which the glucose and inulin are converted into nectar is similar to the process by which corn starch is converted into high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). The agave starch is subjected to an enzymatic and chemical process that converts the starch into a fructose rich syrup, anywhere from 70 percent fructose.  Compare that to the typical fructose content of HFCS at 55% and you can see that it's a concern. 

I've heard it time and time again, agave is low on the glycemic index and so it's safe for diabetics.  There are some differences in the way the body digests sugars and I could get into a lengthy explanation, but I will spare you. The gist is that fructose is digested in your liver which is immediately turned into triglycerides or stored body fat. Since it doesn't get converted to blood glucose like other sugars it doesn't raise or crash your blood sugar levels and therefore the claim that it is safe for diabetics.  

The only problem is that is isn't.

It can cause weight gain, and the ugly kind, visceral fat, the most dangerous. It's also associated with chronic disease, particularly metabolic syndrome.  It also increases insulin sensitivity, increases LDL cholesterol and oxidized LDL which put you at higher risk of heart disease. While high fructose agave syrup won't spike your glucose levels, the fructose in it may cause mineral depletion, liver inflammation  hardening of the arteries  insulin resistance leading to diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and obesity. 

My advice. Stay away from the stuff.  

I will be writing a more through piece on fructose in the near future so stay tuned. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Coconut Body Butter - the end of my dry winter skin!

Coconut oil has been written about a lot lately and lots of people are changing over to this miracle oil, for everything because it's not only great for cooking and baking, it's wonderful for the skin and hair.  You can even brush your teeth with it. 

During these cold winter months my skin has been so incredibly dry.  One night in bed, literally in the middle of the night, I started scratching my leg, and it kept itching, so I kept scratching, and it kept itching, so I kept scratching. Before I realized it I had drawn blood.  Yes, blood.  I had this for a couple of weeks. I wondered if I was going to have a scar but alas once I started using this body butter it healed quickly. 

Now I don't know what you use for a body lotion but I love body butters. I've bought many, and while they feel nice when you first put them on they really don't keep the skin moisturized for very long. In addition, I now only buy all natural products so there are no emollients for agents at work.  It can take some getting used to when you first switch over.  The reason I switched is because the toxic load in your body can get heavier the older you get.  It is important to me to try and keep the toxins I put in, and on, my body to a minimum which allows my liver and lymph system to do the work they need to do.  

I whipped this up, put it in a plastic jar and put it in my dressing room.  I use it twice per day.  Once in the morning immediately after my shower, and then again at night when I change into my pajamas to go to bed.  I am amazed by the results.  It does feel oily when you first put it on, but it goes right into your skin and after a few minutes most of the oil will be gone. That's why I do it right out of the shower. I put on my robe, do my hair and makeup, and by the time I get dressed I don't have to worry about getting oil on my cloths. 

1 cup coconut oil 
1 tsp vitamin E oil, jojoba oil, or olive oil 
few drops of essential oil 

I used my KitchenAid stand mixer for this.  The idea is to whip some air into it.  The coconut oil must be solid, do not allow it to melt or it won't whip. Turn the speed up and allow it to whip for about 6 minutes.  

You can use the fragrance of your choice.  I used lavender essential oil because that's what I like, and you should use what you like, perhaps a citrus, flower or herb smell you love.      

I've been using this body butter on a regular basis for weeks now and I can see that I'm going to be whipping up a batch of this on a regular basis. Its also inexpensive at approximately $2 to $3, which is much cheaper than anything I can find in a store. 

I hope you love it as much as I do. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Reversing Diabetes - Classes now forming!

I have partnered with Diabetes Free America to teach comprehensive diabetes classes for people who want to reserve the disease. This program is multi-step so you can easily incorporate each step into your daily life.  Classes are held weekly, for 16 weeks.  We cover a different topic each week, discussing topics such as portion sizes, good carbs/bad carbs and healthy snacking.  

Make Your Body a Diabetes Free Zone! 
Diabetes Free Zone is more than just another diet that is doomed to failure.  It is a physician created, multi-component system specifically designed to help individuals with type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes to lower their blood sugar and regain their long-term health.

Regain Control of Your Health!
  • Reduce Weight. 
  • Reduce or eliminate diabetes medications. 
  • Reduce the complications of diabetes. 
  • Increase energy. 
  • Restore self healing systems. 
  • Enjoy a happier, healthier life! 

In our meetings you will get:
  • Support and encouragement form others in the program. 
  • Practical techniques and strategies to help you reach your goals. 
  • Comprehensive reference materials and tools.
  • Guidance and information from trained wellness leaders. 

You should also know:
  • Attending meetings helps keep you motivated and accountable.
  • All of our meetings are conducted by trained wellness professionals. 
  • At the meetings there are no weigh-ins.
  • Meetings are dynamic and interactive.  You're welcome to join in the conversation, or just sit back and listen.
  • There are no required food purchases.
  • The meetings work for men and women.
  • The meetings last for approximately 60 minutes.  Each week there is a new topic on nutrition, healthy activities, or healthy habits.  
Classes are forming now!

 Sign up today!

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If you would like to get on the distribution list for future classes and information be sure to send me your name and email address.
 You may contact me at:  info@nutritionbydenise.com. 

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Oatmeal 101

Bowl of hot oatmeal breakfast cereal with fresh berries Stock Photo - 7776449

Oatmeal can be a quick, filling, nutritious breakfast, but it's got to be done right. As with all food, once you start changing it from it's natural state it losses some of its nutritional value. Therefore, choose steel cut oats because it is a whole grain and it contains the most fiber and protein, and no sugar, which is extremely important.  Once you start selecting a lesser grade the fiber is less, the protein in less and now sugar comes into play.  The goal is that you want an oatmeal that digests slowly, that does not spike your glucose level, that keeps you full and satisfied until lunch time. That happens when you eat steel cut oaks. When you eat processed oatmeal you are eating sugar which now spikes your glucose level and burns through your system quicker, and can lead to hunger before lunch time. This type of food is also what eventually leads to diabetes.  But that's another article.  

Here's a quick example of the nutritional value of a serving of steel cut oaks, rolled oats, and one of the most popular instant oatmeal products. 

Brand                                    Cals     Protein        Fiber      Sugar      Carbs 
McCann's Steel Cut                  150       4.0            4.0         0             26.0
Coach's Oats Steel Cut             160       6.0            4.0         0             27.0
Country Choice  Rolled Oats      150       5.0            4.0         1             27.0
Instant maple and brown sugar 157       3.7            2.8         12.6         31.0

If you were only looking at the total calorie count of these products you would think the instant is fine to eat. But not all calories are created equal. Instant will put weight on you, the steel cut oaks will help you lose weight and will also improve cholesterol.  The instant contains sugar, and less fiber and protein, which is the problem and why it does not work in your body in the same way as the steel cut. 

The thing about steel cut oats is that because they are a whole grain they take longer to cook, however, there are a couple ways to deal with this. You can make a big batch at the beginning of the week, store it in the frig, and have it on hand ready to go for each day.  I buy a brand called Coaches Oats which is steel cut that has been slightly ground, so it cooks in 5 minutes.  You get all the benefits of steel cut oaks in no time at all.    

Now if you really want to up the nutrition you can add some fruit and nuts. I always put walnuts in my oatmeal because they contain omega 3's and you need the good fat.  If you have a long day and want something that will keep you full for hours on end try the recipe below. When I know I have a long day, or don't know when I'll get lunch I make this. 

Follow the instructions on the label for cooking.  Make one serving and then add a big pinch of cinnamon, half a sliced banana, 1/4 cup of blueberries, and 2 tbsp walnuts.  Chia seeds are also a good omega 3. You can add stevia if you need a sweetener.  

I also recommend adding some protein powder to your oatmeal. We all need protein in the morning.  If you have sugar cravings, eating protein in the morning helps alleviate these cravings.

If you are in good shape, exercise regularly, and have no issues with sugar you can add a small amount of brown sugar, agave, or maple syrup instead of stevia.  My husband loves dried cranberries in his, and he is in pretty good shape so he can have them. I have issues with sugar so I can't eat them anymore.  Therefore, I use stevia only. 

This is oatmeal you can feel good about. It does a body good. When eating, think about what you are doing for your body.  You are either doing something good or something bad.  Choose the good. Good health is your reward. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Detox Basics - A Special Report

Nutrition by Denise
Holistic Health Coaching 
Detox Basics - A Special Report 

Detox : Fresh vegetable juices isolated on white


Detox has been a hot topic in recent years. There are “detox” supplements, guides and books in every health food store, and every other person you know has done some kind of “cleanse” – some with great results, but others with “horror” stories to tell.

Since every body is different – not just the physiological makeup but also how high a toxic load we are experiencing when we start a detox program – we can encounter very different effects and results even from the same protocol. The key is to work with your current toxic load, your detox history, and your unique physical condition (bio-individuality) so that you can benefit most from a program without dramatic side effects (which can be detrimental to your effort and even your health).

In this special report, I will share with you some detox basics and easy to follow tips so that whether you are a novice or a veteran, you will be equipped with accurate information and a “sane” approach to start your next detox program, or simply to live a “cleaner” life so that your body does not have to deal with increased toxin exposure.

Detox – Why Should I Care?

Toxins affect all of us and just by changing a few things to clean up your life, you can affect a dramatic difference in your health and well being.

With all the chemicals and pollutants that we are exposed to through the food we eat, the water we drink, the products we use and the air we breathe, the question is no longer IF we are toxic. The real question is HOW toxic we are.

Everybody in this world has detectable levels of toxins in the body.
  • Study has shown that every organism on the planet has detectable level of Teflon in the body.
  • 287 chemicals were detected in umbilical cord blood of newborns. They include pesticides, consumer product ingredients, waste materials from burning coal, gasoline, or garbage.
    • 180 of the 287 chemicals found are known to cause cancer in human or animals.
    • 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system.
    • 208 of those are shown to cause birth defects or abnormal development in animal tests.
  • Our babies are born with toxic substances in their bodies, even before being exposed to the toxins. A benchmark investigation of industrial chemicals, pollutants and pesticides in umbilical cord blood by the Environmental Working Group (an American watch dog group) back in 2005 showed that 287 chemicals were detected in umbilical cord blood of newborns. They include pesticides, consumer product ingredients, waste materials from burning coal, gasoline, or garbage. 

Sources of Environmental Toxins –
How harmful they are and how to avoid them

Among the 212 chemicals tested and found in the blood and urine of most Americans, six of them, in particular, are found in virtually every person, and they were identified by the CDC as probable health hazards!

Here are the six chemicals, and where you may find them in our day-t0-day lives:
  • Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) – used as flame retardant and found in virtually every building. It can cause damage to the nervous system, liver, and kidney. It’s hard to avoid this chemical altogether, but make sure you get a lot of fresh air, and keep your indoor environment well ventilated.
  • Bisphenol A (BPA) – found in plastic products, as well as can linings. It is a reproduction, developmental and systemic toxicant in animal studies and is weakly estrogenic – which can impact our reproductive system. Avoid this chemical by not using plastic containers that are marked “7” for recycling, and by reducing the use of canned food.
  • Perfluoro octanoic acid (PFOA) – also known as Teflon, it affects liver, immune system, and reproductive system. Avoid this chemical by switching out any non-stick cookware – good alternatives are cast iron, enamel and stainless steel.
  • Acrylamide – chemical carcinogen formed when carbohydrates foods are cooked at high temperatures. Exposure can lead to cancer and neurological dysfunction. Reduce exposure by lowering the amount of charred foods in your diet.
  • Mercury – most common route of exposure is seafood. It is associated with neurological dysfunction. Reduce intake of this heavy metal by avoiding fish high in the food chain. If you need to have dental work done, request filling materials that do not contain mercury.
  • Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) – gasoline addictive linked to neurological and reproductive problems. This chemical is no longer used in our gasoline today, but can be found in second hand smoke.

 Symptoms of Toxicity

Sometimes symptoms of toxicity can be quite non-specific and therefore hard to pin down. We are all different genetically, so we react to toxins differently and at different dosage. Toxic exposure can manifest itself very differently in different people. If you have systemic or atopic health issues that have been lingering for a while, it’s worth looking at toxicity being the root cause.

Common symptoms of excessive toxic burden can include:
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Cognitive problems: brain fog, memory problems
  • Neurological issues: balance problems, tremors
Although toxins don’t cause the following conditions, they do affect the expression of the symptoms, so lowering toxic load may help alleviate symptoms:
  • Allergy and asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Chemical sensitivity (any adverse physical, mental, or emotional reaction to the presence of a chemical smell)
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Fertility problems and birth defects
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Bone marrow cancers – lymphomas, leukemia, multiple myeloma
  • Auto-immune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Hasimotos thyroiditis, etc.

Benefits of Lowering Your Toxic Load

Reducing your toxic load can be achieved through reducing your exposure to toxic substances, increasing the amount and rate that your detox organs process and eliminate toxins, or both. 

Reducing your toxic exposure can lead to a lot of health benefits, including:
§  weight loss
§  clear skin
§  mental acuity
§  reduced stress
§  more energy
§  improved immune function
§  better digestion
§  reduced cravings

Clients who went through my detox program reported generally feeling better, increased energy, better sleep, clearer skin, weight loss, reduction in headaches, and reduced glucose levels. 

8 Easy Ways To Reduce Your Toxic Load
An aggressive detox program is not the only way to help you lower your toxic load. In fact, if you have not been paying much attention to your toxin exposure nor done a detox program before, it may be more beneficial for you to start small by implementing some small but impactful dietary and lifestyle changes first. This can help your body start processing some of the stored toxins, and boost the function of your detox organs. Your body will be better prepared for a more structured protocol – if your body is not equipped to process and eliminate the toxins that are released, some of them will get reabsorbed into your tissues so you suffer through all the detox side effects but make very little difference in how much toxins are actually stored in your body!

Follow these 8 tips to reduce your toxic load – no fancy equipment or expensive supplements needed!

  1. Eat cleansing foods such as leafy green vegetables and berries. Increasing fiber intake through whole foods (fruit, vegetables and whole grains) is generally beneficial because adequate fiber intake supports toxin elimination through the colon.
  2. A great and easy way to support liver function is to drink a glass of warm water with the juice of a quarter of a lemon first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
  3. Stay hydrated – this will support kidney function and colon elimination. Make sure you are drinking mostly clean, filtered water. Change it up by adding a slice of citrus, fruit, or cucumber. Drink non-caffeinated herbal tea as well. Coffee, caffeinated tea, other caffeinated beverages and alcohol actually draw water out of the body, and may leave you more dehydrated.
  4. Use herbs that support our detox organs – liver, kidney and colon. E.g. milk thistle and dandelion. There are detox teas that taste great and help with this.
  5.  Encourage elimination through skin, our largest organ for elimination through sweating (e.g. exercise, sauna) and dry brushing.
  6. Buy and eat organic food as much as possible – learn about the “Dirty Dozen” list and try to shop organic for these produce. Get the most up-to-date list from the Environmental Working Group: http://www.ewg.org/foodnews/
  7. Reduce processed and packaged foods, which are loaded with chemicals that our bodies would recognize as “toxins”.
  8. Replace household and personal products with a lot of chemicals with those made with natural ingredients.

Detox Safely – How to select a detox program

Detoxification is a process during which you normalize the body’s natural ability to process and excrete toxins that are stored in our fatty tissue, while you temporarily reduce the amount of incoming toxins.

There are a lot of detox protocols, facts and myths out there. If you jump into detox without prior experience (meaning that you probably have a high toxic load and will release a high level of toxins) or proper supervisions, it can backfire:
  • Severe detox symptoms including headache, lethargy, and skin issues.
  • If the body cannot process the large amount of toxins that are suddenly released into the bloodstream, the toxins will get re-absorbed into the fat cells – so you body will not be able to release the fat as a result.

When looking for a safe detox protocol and program, you should pay special attention to:
  • A gradual approach that can minimize withdrawal, sudden toxin release, and increase success rate
  • Enough calorie intake to support the body’s detoxification and elimination process
  • Addressing issues of addiction (e.g. sugar, alcohol) prior to start of the program

Also, if you are looking to start a weight loss program, it’s best to go through a supervised detox program first so fewer problems will arise when toxins are released as fat cells are burned off.

Good luck!